auditory culture

  • THE BIG BANG  and what we left behind (or, hearing loss) | Essay by Samuel Hertz

    THE BIG BANG and what we left behind (or, hearing loss) | Essay by Samuel Hertz

    A message from the editor… How time passes, and how time is felt passing, how time is personal and ever changing its costumes and definitions. Within that what is a moment. Within that what is an event. What is shared,…

  • Seismograf Special Issue: Fluid Sounds

    Seismograf Special Issue: Fluid Sounds

    Seismograf journal has published a special issue called Fluid Sounds, dedicated to explore sound and also to propose a new format for their platform, “The Audio Paper”, whose purpose “is to extend the written academic text: to present discussions and…

  • The Listening Observatory

    The Listening Observatory

    José Luis Espejo and Mikel R. Nieto, both from the great mediateletipos network, have developed a new promising project called The Listening Observatory, aimed to explore listening in diverse perspectives, mainly through events and research activities. “The Listening Observatory is a project about the relationship…

  • New Book: The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art

    New Book: The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art

    The Routledge Companion series is adding a new title focused entirely on contemporary studies on sound art practices and processes, and it seems to be not simply a conglomerate of ideas, but a truly rich anthology of today’s main topics around sound studies,…

  • Sonic Terrain’s Bookshelf: +200 Books on Sound

    As researchers, artists, institutions and individuals in general get more interested on sound studies and practices in its plurality of fields and perspectives, it becomes important to find ways of not only inter-connecting our ideas and processes but also to organizing…

  • Periods and Waves: A Conference on Sound and History, Call for Papers

    Periods and Waves: A Conference on Sound and History, Call for Papers

    Stony Brook University is announcing a new conference on sound and history, co-organized by the department of music, department of philosophy and the school of health technology & management. Main speakers are Emma Dillon (Professor of Music, King’s College London), Stefan Helmreich (Professor of…