
  • Space Is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra

    Space Is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra

    Considered by many to be a founder of Afrofuturism, Sun Ra—aka Herman Blount—was a composer, keyboardist, bandleader, philosopher, entrepreneur, poet, and self-proclaimed extraterrestrial from Saturn. He recorded over 200 albums with his Arkestra, which, dressed in Egypto-space costumes, played everything…

  • The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art

    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art

    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art explores and delineates what Sound Art is in the 21st century. Sound artworks today embody the contemporary and transcultural trends towards the post-apocalyptic, a wide sensorial spectrum of sonic imaginaries as well as the…

  • Bass, Mids, Tops: An Oral History of Sound System Culture

    Bass, Mids, Tops: An Oral History of Sound System Culture

    An oral history of the UK’s soundsystem culture, featuring interviews with Dubmaster Dennis Bovell, Skream, Youth, Norman Jay MBE, Adrian Sherwood, Mala, and others. In the years following the arrival of the Windrush generation, the UK’s soundsystem culture would become…

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    Transcultural Sound Practices: British Asian Dance Music as Cultural Transformation Carla J. Maier Listening to the sound practices of bands and musicians such as the Asian Dub Foundation or M.I.A., and spanning three decades of South Asian dance music production…

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    Amplifications: Poetic Migration, Auditory Memory Paul Carter Written by one of the most prominent thinkers in sound studies, Amplifications *presents a perspective on sound narrated through the experiences of a sound artist and writer. A work of reflective philosophy, *Amplifications…

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    Brandon LaBelle: Overheard and Interrupted Brandon LaBelle Compiling works and writings from the last 13 years, this comprehensive monograph on American artist, writer and theorist Brandon LaBelle (born 1969) captures the artist’s expansive practice. Originally from Los Angeles and currently…