josh mason – hellified irie
Poetry is more silent than sonic, because it is, above all, an act of listening. Poems are not sung as much they are heard, like the notes of a guitar, the pounding of sea waves or the endless sound of a melody’s furtive…
Taylor Deupree and Marcus Fischer created their expansive debut In A Place Of Such Graceful Shapes (12k2021, 2011) over four days in a frigid, snow-covered New York only a few short months after they met. Since then they have toured…
simon whetham & canned fit – elephant in the salon
Simon Whetham and Christine Schörkhuber are apparently two, but here merged as one, detached from individual pursuits and expanded as a fascinating network, manifested not just as a mutual interpretation of sounds, but as a deep and intense dialogue; an…
richard ginns – fall, rise
Listening is an act of letting go. Sound is vast, an oceanic sense. Recording and composing are sublime arts, as “Fall, Rise” by Richard Ginns perfectly suggests; a work deeply touched by a sense of loneliness and fear but actually filled with…