Sounds of September – Nature at Night

There’s very little I can say about the three recordings I have chosen for September, simply because I run out of adjectives when I try to describe them (a thesaurus wouldn’t be much help either). Each of them have a story of their own and depict a space that sounds very far from human interference – where nature is allowed to be and sound natural (if I might use those words in the same sentence).

A big thank you to Håkan Olsson, Mark Brennan and John Hartog for capturing and sharing such wonderful sounds!

Wolves’ Wild Boar Hunting 

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=1a887e” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]
Wolves’ Wild Boar Hunting on SoundCloud

Recorded by: Håkan Olsson
SoundCloud: nordicnature


I was out photographing/recording. It was late, but the full moon helped lighting up my surroundings. I had the recorder in rec/pause and my headphones on, so all sounds around me was amplified like I usually have. Since I was trying to photograph animals. I had my camouflage clothes on. I rarely use a hide. Suddenly I heard that the ducks, lapwings and other birds to the left of me flew up in the air worried about something. I looked in that direction with my binocular and then I saw two wolves coming in my direction. They were about 200m from me. The female (smaller) was about 50m ahead of the male. She stopped when she was about 40m from me a little to the left. She probably “sensed” that I was there… She sat down and looked around. The male wolf came straight at me since he was to the right of the female from my view. He stopped at about 30m from me. He stared at me or in my direction for 5 minutes… I was leaning to the left in a not so comfort position so I said to myself, please go now… my back hurts, but he didn’t. Instead, he lay down in the grass… and he continued staring at me (or my not camouflaged mic). I was completely still and after a few minutes he started to look around instead. The female passed him and lay down further away to the right of me. After 10-15 minutes he joined her. They changed positions a few times and seemed to be in no hurry. Then the female started to target a red deer bull. She crawled on her stomach closer and closer. The male followed about 30m behind her. She got closer and closer and when she had about 50m left to the red deer she got in to full attack. The male wolf followed and they both attacked the red deer bull. The deer defended himself really well with his big horns. He attacked the wolves so they had to back off a few times. The wolves continued their attack from two directions for a while, but then they gave up and lay down in the grass. After a while they tried again, but the deer still defended himself really well. He didn’t make the mistake to try and run. They gave up again and the walked away to the edge of the field and lay down just inside the forrest. After about 20 minutes I heard a familiar sound. Wild boar heard was incoming…

Here my posted recording at soundcloud starts, since there was just breathing sounds and sounds when wolves and deer move in the grass previously, so not much to listen to.

Brown Bats and Barred Owls

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=1a887e” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]
Brown Bats and Barred Owls on SoundCloud

Recorded by: Mark Brennan
Blog/Web: Wild Earth
SoundCloud: Wild Earth Voices
Twitter: @wildearthvoices

As a nature recordist, sometimes you strike it rich! This was the case tonight when myself and a friend ventured out to record the late summer insects in a remote area of Nova Scotia. I was interested in recording the wings of feeding Little Brown Bats over a stream late at night when a Barred Owl began to call. The location was perfect and the subsequent recording one that I will remember making for a long time. There are many ‘layers’ here, from the subtle sounds of the stream, the insects and the low frequencies of the Bats wings to the booming Barred Owl from the large Spruce Trees not far away. It was a great night for recording, no aircraft and just the sounds of nature to ‘woo’ us into the night!

Beaver Lake 

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=1a887e” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]
Beaver Lake on SoundCloud

Recorded by: John Hartog
Web: Rock Scallop
SoundCloud: Rock Scallop

Recorded Live: 2011-08-21 21:38 PDT
Clatsop County, Oregon
This short, four minute, excerpt features some interesting sounds of North American Beavers (Castor canadensis), chewing, vocalizing, swimming, and tail splashing.
Also available available as a free download in 320kbps mp3, or 16 bit FLAC at


4 responses to “Sounds of September – Nature at Night”

  1. Anton Woldhek Avatar

    Awesome stuff!
    I loved the boar hunt especially.

  2. […] 'Design Toolbox' series which is about using conventional plugins to design sounds. I also run the 'Sounds of the month' series on sonic-terrain (field […]

  3. Brendan Rehill Avatar

    Yeah the boar hunt has a truly amazing expansiveness to it. The animal calls tailing off into the distance is nerve shredding!

  4. Mark Brennan Avatar

    I am in awe of the Wolves/Wild Boar recording, its fantastic!

    John, very lovely, brings back memories!

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