Computer music
infinite grain 02: yann novak
[infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] Sometimes the words space, light and sound mean different things. Sometimes, all of…
infinite grain 01: nicolas bernier
[infinite grain is a series of interviews inspired on microsound procedures, exploring a wide variety of topics in dialogue with artists who work with sound on installation, composition and improvisation] Nicolas Bernier born in Canada. His work is one of a kind, taking roots…
infinite sound in the silence of a grain
“We can see that beneath the level of the note lies the realm of micro-sound, of sound particles. These are the building blocks of complex sounds. Like the quantum world of the quarks, leptons, gluons, and bosons, the micro-sonic domain…
‘Strata’ Exchange between Richard Pinnell and Patrick Farmer The fourth part of an ongoing exchange between Patrick Farmer and Richard Pinnell, the first can be found here, the second here and the third here. Part IV Richard: Probably unsurprisingly, questions of authenticity always seem to concern those involved…
Interview with Grant Smith by Maria Papadomanolaki Maria Papadomanolaki interviews artist Grant Smith about a new project entitled Reveil/soundCamp. Grant Smith has a long-standing engagement with the study of place, nature and the experiential through the use of text, sound…
trees is a research project conducted by the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology (ICST) in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). ICST members of staff involved: Marcus Maeder (Project lead), Philippe…