Brilliant post at Sounding Out! featuring short interviews with six sound artists/recordists talking about their approach to field recording/sound exploration. The list includes Jez riley French, Rui Costa, Catherine Clover, Andrea Williams, Hildegard Westerkamp and Eric Leonardson.
“It devolves on us now to invent a subject we might call acoustic design, an interdiscipline in which musicians, acousticians, psychologists, sociologists, and others would study the world soundscape together in order to make intelligent recommendations for its improvement.”
–R. Murray Schafe (The Soundscape, Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World)
With those words, and with that book, Canadian composer, writer, educator, and environmentalist R. Murray Schafer introduced the concept of the soundscape…a sound, or) combination of sounds, that forms or arises from an immersive environment. What follows is an exploration of how several key field recordists define and explore the notion of soundscape.
Read it here.
Via Jez riley French
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