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    Under Review – Field Recording Works in the Spotlight. essay by Simon Whetham  I think it’s only happened this year, but I have noticed some odd comments regarding work that features field recordings… it began with some not-too-favourable reviews of compositional…

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    Bay Ridge. DAVID VELEZ (Mystery Sea 2011) Introduction CD1 – 01.Bay ridge vol.I 58’04 CD2 – 01. Bay ridge vol.II 35’18 David Velez is a Colombian sound artist who, as far as I can tell, works uniquely with field recordings.…

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    April triptych. COLLIN THOMAS (Resting Bell 2001) The work of CollinThomas reminds me of the impressionist painters where they would deal primarily with moments of light rather than deal with the objects exposed to both the reflection of light and the passage of time. The impressionist…

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    Swiss mountain transport system. ERNST KAREL (Gruenrekorder 2011) The thumping sound of the steel cable and the rhythmic crackling encounter of the supporting towers are the recurrent sonic details in this work. Throughout the whole album, the sound of automatic…

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    Trainishness. PHONIC PSYCHOMIMESIS (Impulsive Habitat 2011) People like trains. There is a mythology and a romance built around them. Speaking personally, my first introduction to a record of anything other than music was when my dad brought home a disc…

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    Swiss mountain transport system. ERNST KAREL (Gruenrekorder 2011) Swiss mountain transport system is a good example of  how, when heard out of context, sounds are even more capable to create a separated sensible experience other than the one we experience with the objectual causality…