We know several ways of publishing sounds over the Internet, but some of those services tend to offer interesting features which creatively differentiate them among the rest, as it is the case of MyNoise.net, an interesting web project in which sound works are exposed in multiple channels, offering the visitor to shape its own soundscape and mix an endless sound composition.
The site is organized in several styles of sound compositions such as natural, tonal, synthetic, voices, atmospheres, etc, all of these tagged in relation to different categories such as meditation, music, therapy, eerie, etc. It is very interesting how field recordings can be mixed in this way, using the interactive player in which the user can mix channels or animate them automatically.
A great example of that is this soundscape called “A Bird’s Paradise”, created by our fellow Félix Blume from field recordings from Sian Ka’an nature reserve in the Yucatan peninsula, in a residency of the Biosphere Soundscapes project which is aimed at raising awareness on the exotic biophony found in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.
You can take a listen and mix your own soundscape from Blume’s fine recordings. There is one more in Soundcloud, taken at dawn in a forest.