mimosa | moize – hear one near and think of the other

mimoAlthough in the compositional approach it can be achieved a very interesting deal with space, installation helps artists on finding new definitions of the sonic one, specially when thinking about its evolution over time. The duo “mimosa | moize” explore this illusion by using the mildness of sound in order to get in to an experience painted as a mirror of silence; as a door to alterity, a point that is transmitted by another creating a duel between the memory of sound and our positioning inside the sonic reality that is created during sequences of events. The result is the merging point of stories over time and new ones built from a basis already stablished on previous listening experiences, in the case of this magnificent piece released at DeR. A perfect dose of minimalism, an structure achieved as a multi-directional take on memory, “the collection of selected moments becoming the foundation and building of a new moment”.



