Blogs | Orgs/Events/Journals | Record Labels
- A Closer Listen
- A Sound Effect
- Acousmata
- Aula Electroacústica
- Audio Cookbook
- Audio Field Recorder’s Blog
- Azimuth Audio
- Cities and memory
- Create Digital Music
- Creative Applications
- David Dunn
- Designing Sound
- Disquiet
- Ear Room
- Edu Comelles
- Everyday Listening
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- Field Sepulchra
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- Francisco López
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- Granular Resources
- Greg Weddig
- HLJÓÐMYND – Sound Image
- inovember
- Jez riley French
- John Hartog
- K146
- La cosa preziosa
- La Escucha Atenta
- London Sound Survey
- Lowertone
- Luis Antero
- mediateletipos
- microsound
- Morvan-auxois
- music of sound
- music won’t save you
- Naturesound
- Noise for Airports
- Noise Jockey
- phase space
- Positive Soundscapes
- Pterodaktyl
- Quiet American
- Recordings of Nature
- Rob Danielson
- Rumoroso Silenzio
- Silent Listening
- Site Listening
- Sonicskepsi
- Sonic Lab
- Sonic Wonders
- Sonusphere
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- Sound Reflections
- SounDesign
- Sounding Out!
- Soundlandscapes
- Sounds like noise
- Soundscape explorations
- Soundtracker
- Surround2011
- Taphonomy
- The Field Reporter
- The music of sound
- The Recordist
- The Sonic Spread
- Those Who Make Waves
- Tokafi
- Track Time Audio
- Unidentified Sound Object
- White_line
- 15questions
- binaural@nodar
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- Ear | Wave | Event
- Enquiring Ear
- European Sound Studies Association
- Escoitar
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- Flussi
- immersound
- Interference Journal
- Liminaria
- Macaulay Library
- Naturerecordists Yahoo Group
- Nature Sounds Society
- Organized Sound Journal
- Phonography
- Radio aporee
- Scoping UK Sound Studies
- Sound Effects Journal
- Sonic Studies Journal
- Soundcities
- Soundscape Journal
- SoundTransit
- Sound/unsound
- Sound in media culture
- Sound Matters
- Sound Studies Lab
- Tesla Dream
- The Auxiliary
- The School of Sound
- Tsonami
- Vacuamoenia
- Wild Echoes
- Wild Sanctuary
- Wildlife Sound Recording Society
- World Listening Project
- Xeno-canto
- 1000füssler
- 12k
- 3leaves
- And/OAR
- Another Timbre
- Audiobulb
- Audiotalaia
- Baskaru
- Bine
- Contour Editions
- Con-v
- Corbel Stone Press
- Consumer Waste
- Cronica
- Dekorder
- Denovali
- Dragon’s Eye Recordings
- Dronarivm
- Dust, Unsettled
- Earsheltering
- Echo
- Elevator Bath
- Engraved Glass
- Errant Bodies
- Erstwhile
- Éter
- Every contact leaves a trace
- Farmacia901
- Flaming Pines
- Flau
- Framework Radio
- Herbal
- Galaverna
- Green field recordings
- Gruenrekorder
- Herbal
- Hibernate
- Homophoni
- Impulsive Habitat
- Invisible Birds
- ini.itu
- inner ocean
- kalerne
- kaico
- Kaon
- Konkretourist
- Korm Plastics
- Koyuki
- LEA Ediciones
- leerraum
- Mandorla
- Mantricum
- Matter
- Mego
- Mille Plateaux
- Monochrome Vision
- Monotype Rec
- murmur
- Mystery Sea
- Nature Bliss
- Non visual objects
- Notice Recordings
- *Obs
- Oto
- Quakebasket
- Quiet Design
- Raster Noton
- Resting Bell
- Room40
- Rural Colors
- Semperflorens
- Senufo
- Siridisc
- Sonospace
- Sourdine
- Spekk
- Störung
- Taâlem
- Tanuki
- The Land Of
- Touch
- Triple Bath
- Twice Removed
- Unfathomless
- Very Quiet Records
- Wandering Ear
- White Paddy Mountain
- winds measure
- Yugen Art
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