There’s a microcosmic symbiosis happening within the morpho-space macro-structures that reveals an unfinished dimension of listening. Koenraad Ecker proposes here a sober take on that, through a syncretism towards the difference and dissection of timbre, thus expanding the figurative paradox of silence/resonance in order to find a dynamic space between its tension and segregation. Multiple, subtle, obvious and hidden microtones are well spread and interchanged; clouds flow gently among almost imperceptible grains, together with unexpected objects and both surprising and cautious situations, maintaining a faint slowness of endless singularities; intriguing, able to expel the ears from their comfort zone to catch the listener in an itinerant need, employing perplexity as aesthetic function and focusing a rhizomatic aspect of sound in which the inter-connection of the pieces embraces diversity and exposes it as richness. (LINE)