Soundproof: a one-hour radio-show featuring field recordings and compositional works by field recordists.
Jay-Dea Lopez recently curated a show about field recording and “sound art” for Soundproof on Australia’s ABC Radio National. For one-hour Miyuki Jokiranta and Jay-Dea discussed the physicality of sound and soundscapes.
Click on the links to listen to the discussion and enter the sound world of Hildegard Westerkamp, Andrea Polli, Richard Garet, Chris Watson, Heiki Vester, Jacob Kirkegaard.
Jay-Dea’s selection of pieces showcases the diversity of interests and styles that is explored by contemporary field recordists and artists working with sound.
You will hear sounds from deserts to Antarctic research stations to huskies and helicopters to Mexican train lines to Norwegian killer whales to the vibrations of German bridges.
This show is now available to download directly from the ABC.
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