En Abime: Listening, Reading, Writing: An Archival Fiction

Daniela Cascella

En Abime explores listening and reading as creative and critical activities driven by memory and return, reshaped into the present. It introduces an idea of aural landscape as a historically defined cultural experience, and contributes with previously unexplored references to the emerging area of listening as artistic practice, adopting an expansive approach across poetry, visual art and literature. …poetic, incisive, grounded in politics and history yet continually pushing at the edges of what we now consider to be sound. She interrogates notions of music and the shifting experience that is silence with a freshness and coherence that is inspiring David Toop, Author of Ocean of Sound, Haunted Weather and Sinister Resonance … compulsive and fast, rushing with you through textual territories that seem spoken, direct and contemporary while being nostalgic – invoking a past that creates the present tense. Salomé Voegelin, author of Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art


