Curious Quarterly: Noise

Captura de pantalla 2014-04-26 a la(s) 23.23.38

Royal BC Museum has published the second issue of Curious Quarterly, dedicated to explore the theme of noise.

Noise gets a bad rap when perceived only as irritation. But what if, instead, we consider Noise as a signature of multiple voices and creative inclusion. Noise in this context makes one take notice.

Here at the Royal BC Museum, our fundamental mandate is to tell the natural and human history stories of British Columbia. That’s a lot of stories to tell, and, let’s face it, the sheer volume can create quite a bit of ruckus, an environment ripe for creative and thoughtful story-telling.

At the same time, the pervasive noise in today’s media-driven society can also deaden our creativity, by obstructing our ability to slow down, contemplate, and make connections. Museums, as contemplative spaces, can function both as a respite from noise, as well as a place to explore it. Curious Quarterly gives us an expanded opportunity to do just that.




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