Buyer’s Guide: Sound Restoration Software

Mix Magazine has published a long article about the different sound restoration software options available out there. They talk about several tools, including:

Buzz. Hum. Click. Pop. Hiss. EMI. RFI. Wind noise. It’s a tough (audio) world out there. Sound happens. Some of it is good and some—well, not so good. Once upon a time, any sort of blemish on a track was there forever. And equalization and gating alone can only do so much. Today, high-speed, nearly real-time analysis algorithms and state-of-the-art sonic re-creation software driven by fast CPUs can create a powerful combination, capable of audio miracles that just a few years ago would have required either hours of drudgery or excessively long computational times.

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2 responses to “Buyer’s Guide: Sound Restoration Software”

  1. jrrome Avatar

    This not so much an article as it is a reprinting of a dozen or so press releases from the manufacturers. Magazines are pretty disappointing to me these days.

    I do like Sonic Terrain, tho. Keep up the good work!

  2. Enrique Avatar

    Miguel! querido! perdón que te moleste, pero te quería decir que no me pude suscribir a tus paginas por email, está la opción de RSS, pero la verdad que me parecería un acierto de tu parte que habilites la opción por email, si no es mucha molestia, claro…

    De hecho en esta pagina (no en designing sound) está el icono, pero cuando me redirecciona feedburner dice “The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled”

    Perdona la molestia! y sería una lujo que lo puedas solucionar, y habilitar esa opción, que yo, y seguramente muchos otros, te lo vamos a agradecer!

    GRACIAS! y disculpas!

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