
A quiet position: wildeye edition

field recording, in all its forms, has been through incredible creative growth in the last few decades & yet its essential power to engage us in the act & art of listening remains inextricably linked to its subtle simplicity, its ability to make us listen ever more closely to the world in which we move by making us stop for a time….

for the past few years I have been lucky to be part of the location sound recording courses at Wildeye in Norfolk, UK – tutoring alongside Chris Watson & Wildeye founder, Piers Warren. These weekend courses always offer a chance for people with different interests and approaches to come together to explore ways to re-engage with the act of listening and new potentials for the art & craft of field recording. This edition of ‘a quiet position‘ features recordings made by just a handful of the people who’ve been students on the courses in recent years, alongside a couple by myself
– jez riley french


Miguel Isaza M

Listener, speaker.